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The colour of a diamond

The colour of a diamond can vary from colourless to pale yellow. (color)
The more colourless the diamond, the more valuable it is. Diamonds with a natural, bright yellow, orange, green, blue, pink or even red colour are truly exceptional. These rare gems are called “fancy colour” diamonds. These precious gems are rare, but give your ring an exclusive look.

The clarity of a diamond indicates how pure the stone is. (clarity)
Each stone has inclusions (imperfections). Most inclusions only become visible under a magnifying glass. A diamond that has no inclusions with a ten times magnifying magnifying glass is called flawless. The fewer of these inclusions, the brighter and more precious the diamond is.

The weight of the diamond is expressed in carats. (carat)
One carat equals 0.2 grams. Often the weight is indicated in dots. One carat equals 100 dots.

A white gold wedding ring with diamond has a timeless appeal. A diamond is beautiful and remains so. This is because the material is very hard. This means there are no scratches on it. That way your diamond will continue to sparkle. In your white gold wedding ring with diamond you want the brilliance to be optimal. What should you pay attention to when you buy a wedding ring with diamond? Wedding ring specialist Sylvester Andriessen gives you his tips:

Choose the right cut of your diamond
There are different forms of diamond cutting. The most common is the brilliant cut. A brilliant cut diamond is a diamond that is round in shape and has 57 facets. Other well-known cuts are baguette, princess, rose or marquis. More information about this? Then read our article about the difference between a diamond and a brilliant.

A diamond can be put in your wedding ring in many different ways. What you have to take care of is that the diamond matches your ring. The proportions must be right. If you choose for brilliant, pay attention to the size of the stone. A brilliant has a dot at the bottom. It is so annoying when this dot stings in your finger!
Usually we can put the setting you like in the ring of your choice. In our shop we can show you more than 50 different ways to put a diamond in a wedding ring.

The determining factor in the colour of diamonds are the (chemical) elements, which are present. When we look at white diamonds – so the scale above – nitrogen plays the biggest role. Less Nitrogen means more pure Carbon, which in turn results in transparency. Conversely, more Nitrogen will provide the yellow and brown shades.

Fantasy coloured diamonds
Diamonds with fantasy colours are somewhat the opposite of “white” diamonds. First of all, they do not fall within the regular colour scale, but are judged on their vibrancy in terms of colour. One looks at the purity, saturation and depth of the diamond color.

What kind of colours are these? Many colours have already been discovered and there are pink to red and blue to green diamonds. Each colour also has its own gradations in vibrancy, making almost every conceivable colour possible.

How do diamonds with fantasy colours get their colour?
The fantasy colours of diamonds are again created by the surrounding elements. Many colours can be traced back to certain components and/or chemicals that are present during growth. Below you will find some examples of popular fantasy colours.

Red diamonds: Pure Carbon with a deformed crystal structure to create a red tint.
Green diamonds: A layer around the diamond, which was created by natural radiation from nearby rocks.
Blue diamonds: A low level of nitrogen and a high content of Boron or Nickel.
Black diamonds: Actually colorless diamonds with pieces of rock or stone, creating black.

How is the colour of a diamond determined?
Many diamond colours, many personal preferences and a worldwide distribution certainly do not make it easy to compare diamonds by colour. Here too, the GIA came up with a plan and around 1950 created a system that is currently used by the entire industry. This scale is also often found in the official certificate of a diamond, so that subjective terms such as ‘blue-white’ and AAAA are set aside.

Global colour scale for “white” diamonds
As mentioned above, the scale within this segment starts at D (colourless) and goes up to Z (yellowish-brown). Why D? Because the GIA wanted a fresh start and older grades were sometimes known as BBB or 4. To avoid confusion they therefore started further in the alphabet.
